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Welcome to SolidariTee

About us

We are a grassroots charity led entirely by volunteers, almost all of whom are students and young people. We exist to make real-world, long-term change that combats harmful misinformation and improves the support available to refugees, asylum seekers, and other migrants in vulnerable situations.

In a typical academic year, we generally have student-led teams active at more than 25 universities, leading crucial education, awareness-raising and fundraising campaigns. Together, we have given out more than £400,000 in grants to grassroots NGOs providing legal and psychological support to refugees and asylum seekers.

We work with local partner organisations providing these forms of support as we believe them to be some of the most lasting, empowering, and necessary forms of professional assistance. We carefully vet all of our partners to make sure that they're accountable to those most impacted by their work, are spending their money efficiently, and have excellent safeguarding mechanisms in place. 

We combine student and youth-led activism with work that makes tangible change for refugees and asylum seekers living in camps across Greece. We support partner NGOs providing legal aid and mental health support to people forced to flee their persecution and violence.

Read our Reports

Our annual reports contain information about the work carried out by our partner NGOs, as well as the events organised by SolidariTee volunteers, and our values and approach more broadly. 

Who we are

We’re a charity led by students and young people, standing against the injustices faced by refugees worldwide. We work together with people of all ages and backgrounds to create an international community which supports and upholds the rights of all those forced to flee their homes globally.

SolidariTee is
run entirely by volunteers - we have no paid staff or office space. We give grants to grassroots NGOs (non-governmental organisations) working to provide expert professional legal and psychological support to refugees and asylum seekers in Greece.

Our vision is a world in which every person who is forcibly displaced is treated with dignity.

Whether a person is fleein
g war, violence, persecution based on their beliefs or identity, or climate-induced disasters, we believe that everyone should be able to live in peace and safety. We also believe that everyone should have access to legal aid and other vital services which enable people to access their rights in the long-term. 

What we do

SolidariTee shirts 
Our custom-made t-shirts, or SolidariTees, are central to who we are. Each tee features designs created by artists who are themselves refugees or have a background in forced migration. All of our products act as a visual display of solidarity with forcibly displaced people, as well as enabling us to provide funding to those organisations working with people living in refugee camps across Greece and beyond.


In addition to our awareness-raising events, our social media infographics and mythbusters seek to break down many of the harmful stereotypes often perpetuated about refugees, and provide clear, up-to-date information about refugee issues worldwide. 


We focus our grants on small and medium sized NGOs helping those who have fled violence and persecution to navigate the complex process of seeking asylum. In doing so, we're helping to prevent unjust deportations, reunite families, and ensure that refugee gain access to their rights under international law, and are able to access housing, work, and education in a country of safety. 


From conferences and panel discussions to jazz nights and rock climbing events, we put refugee rights on the map as a central part of daily life. Throughout the year, our student teams organise a variety of events and initiatives which anyone interested is able to get involved with. 

Donate to our work

SolidariTee is reliant on individual donations and t-shirt sales to fund our work. If you'd like to make a donation to support our partner organisations in upholding and defending the rights and freedoms of those forced to flee persecution, please follow the link below.

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